I love browsing travel guides. Even when there are no trips in sight, ten minutes on the sofa with a good travel guide is like a quick pick-me-up that transports me away from the grey skies, piles of laundry and the kids' quarrels.

During the last few weeks I've been stealing glances again, this time with a definite purpose.


Countdown started last night with the Prague trip just 10 nights away. We are trying not to plan our trip to death.. but will definitely experience the following adult-only entertainment:

  • Four luxurious, slept-thru nights at our hotel dating back to the 1590's
  • Aimless wondering along romantic little alleys, perhaps popping into a medieval tavern here and there
  • Balinese massage x 2
  • Long meals, good wine and plenty of kissing and hugging

Big thanks go to T & T for making this trip possible.