Got a real need to do some blogging right now. A lot of things to say,  but no time to do it.


March has been a strange month, indeed. To start out with, I am about 10 pounds lighter these days. Had a bad flu and after that a sore in my mouth. The end result: I am more petite than I was ten years ago.

My creativity has been at a real high point. I get new ideas, many of them, on a daily basis. Got a real spurt for finally starting my own business. So excited about that! Materials have arrived in the mail and it's now time to turn my scribbled post-it notes into actual, physical products. Wow.

Our youngest child has been a real trouble maker. The last few weeks we have been scratching our heads with him, trying to figure out the best approach with his behaviour. Destroying things and pulling tricks behind our backs seems to be his favourite activity these days. Sigh.

The stress of the above and a real need to start some significant changes in our lives has also tried our marriage. The theme for this month has been arguments, bad mood and generally a lack of understanding for each other. On the other hand, it has pushed us to have some really deep conversations that we have been putting off for the last three years. Having three small kids kind of takes care of any free time in a relationship, and you find yourself just struggling to get thru the day. Well, now we have a little bit more time, and I guess we kind of have to get to know each other again. A difficult, but at the same time exciting phase.