Every weekday morning is pretty much the same. When the door closes behind my husband and the kids, them heading to work and daycare, I start making my tea and my one piece of toast. Then I sit down at my computer and enjoy my breakfast in silence, surfing thru the web.


Weekends, however, are very different. Much noisier, with all five of us sitting down for breakfast together. Err, did I say sitting?? Ok, the kids are sitting while me and hubby are jumping up and down, running between the dining area and the kitchen,  catering to the hungry roars of the three little beasts. 'I want that too!' 'He took my juice!' 'I need more bread!'

Don't get me wrong, we are teaching them some manners. It's just that they don't always remember them.


After the kids have had their fill, they get chased upstairs to play. Then it's time for the adults to enjoy the peace and quiet. And of course the plentiful breakfast.

On the weekends, it is a lovely spread. The kitchen is taken over by my very special cook. This morning it was spinach and mushrooms with feta, roasted tomatoes with a pesto crown, poached eggs and toast with salmon.

Sometimes I really don't understand why he's in the phone business. He really should be showing off his skills at some fancy restaurant, making the customers swoon over his creations.
