Kaarina asked me to participate in another challenge:

'Take a photo of the view from the nearest window, or if you're outside, photograph your surroundings. Attach the photo into your blog and describe the place where you usually do your blogging (at home, at work, the library, a cafe..) and whether this place is your usual blogging environment. Challenge as many people as you like in the comment boxes of their blogs.'



This is the view from the window of our utility room (where I have my desk) and from our kitchen windows. I'm afraid my photo does not do it justice though: in real life, it looks much more gorgeous and the river is much closer. The wide angle lens does some tricks here. Sorry about the large size, it just had to be a panorama photo. Stretch your browser window on the side if you do not see the whole thing.

It was also a little overcast yesterday, today the weather is a little bit brighter and the fall colors more striking. Come on over and see them in real life!

I challenge Hanna, Emma, Liivia and Vilijonkka.

And the challenge in Finnish also:

"Ota kuva lähimmästä ikkunasta avautuvasta maisemasta, tai jos olet ulkona, kuvaa bloggausympäristösi. Liitä kuva blogiisi ja kerro, missä yleensä bloggaat (kotona, töissä, kirjastossa, kahvilassa, you get my point) ja onko kuvassa kyseessä normaali bloggausympäristösi. Haasta mukaan haluamasi määrä muita bloggaajia ilmoittamalla haasteesta heidän kommenttilaatikkoihinsa."